Darford bus garage opens its doors

Darford bus garage opens its doors

The last bus garage open day of the year fell to Arriva's Dartford.

Not surprisingly, there was a fine display of Country area buses - namely RTs and the single-decker RFs, plus some old Central favourites such as the Museum's protype Routemaster FRM1.

Appropriately there were a number of Maidstone and District vehicles in attendance, but to the delight of all, there were tours of the town on the Beadle-bodied AEC Regal III open topper HKL819  dating from 1946.

With the Battle Bus B2737 being prepared for its transformation into battle fatigues, London General's K-type K424 represented the early motorised fleet.

As part of the Year of the Bus celebrations, the highly succesful events have attracted the attention of locals as well as bus enthusiasts.

Photo: Dave Olney